Monday, August 30, 2010


Milo Vest in Pear Tree Yolk. I love love love this colour, and the cabling is stirring my recently brushed off Celtic heart...

This winter has been a true Melbourne winter, where one wears overcoats and kidney warmers, and there is drizzle and rain, and actual puddles to jump in quite often!
Sitting in the sun today with baby boy and feeling actually warm was sooo delicious.
It really made me appreciate having four seasons just to savour the contrasts.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Now that's better...

and immediately started on a miniature version for baby boy with the leftover yarn...oh no, it's too SMALL!! Do newborns have heads the size of grapefruits? I think they this one is destined for a friends new baby due in 4 weeks! It will still be cold in Melbourne then...
Having loads of time wasting fun perusing the wonderful world of Ravelry. God it is the best website in the world!