Tuesday, November 19, 2013

the rushing, the pausing

Spring hit, the rushing began...the pace has picked up. there are more events, fairs, volunteering,  rehearsals,  less empty pages in the diary, and less knitting!
Life seems to be about a swinging from rushing to pausing (or gasping?).
Something must be done about this periodic quickening... this November malaise...knitting seemed the antidote...but it's being pushed out by the packed agenda of a family of five.
That said: I finally finished my  "hitch"jumper/sweater! hooray for that! (ravelled here)
It feels good to finish something, and it's a stunner in the Rowan Felted Tweed.

and while I dither about between projects, I have some finishing of socks underway...
oh, and on a hot afternoon, I picked up the girls after school and we all five, yes the whole family, drove in peak hour traffic across town to the bay for a first of the season swim and a fish'n'chip dinner on the beach!! worth the fumes, I can tell ya!

and just because, I'm joining the Yarn Along with Ginny, though I haven't read much at all except of course, bedtime stories! The favourite is "Charley's First Night" by Amy Hest and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (I love her work); about a child and a new puppy.