Monday, November 28, 2011

wips and birds birds birds birds....

still going with my Vitamin D- almost there!!!!!
 I am really keen to finish this little black cardi so i can start on some gift knitting!

For my Steiner Craft course I am working on a Steiner/Waldorf doll with a knitted body for the youngster's 2nd birthday. Here's the head and knitted body almost done. Watch this space...

My friend Anna sent me a link to some inspiration!
If only human beings were are in tune with each other as starlings!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Folk bag!!

Finally I have finished my darling nine year old girl's birthday bag! Using 16 ply pure wool, which the children in Class 5 use for their crochet projects, I started with a circle, then kinda curled it up to make a great big bag! Add a flap, some lined straps (so they don't stretch to billy-o), a flower to cover up the messy crochet improvising and some light denim lining with a zippered gingham , and you have a FABULOUS FOLK BAG!! Ready for school! ravelled here

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

more more more

another fair...
more more more craft...
Class 5 Indian Elephants

Fair Isle Knitting Class 4
and inspirational teaching...
Class 5 Chariot Races coming!!
Class 3 Buildings and Dwellings
Class 6 "etchings"
and last week visited this school's Arts Festival and saw these!! Delicious!
Sadly, a Steiner  Stream in the Western Suburbs of  Melbourne is under threat: check out the action to save the stream here.